Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for admission to BRCC?
Click here to apply for admission to BRCC. Applying for admission and registering for and completing courses is the same process whether you are taking eLearning or onsite courses.
How do I register for eLearning classes once I am enrolled?
The process for registering for online courses is the same as registering for all of your other courses. Click here to view instructions about how to register for all courses. We strongly suggest that you consult with a College Navigator before selecting your classes.
Can I speak to someone about advising?
Of course! You can schedule a meeting with a College Navigator by clicking here.
Is taking an online course easier?
Online courses should not be considered easier and require students to be self-disciplined in their work. Take our self-assessment to see if you are online ready!
Will my online courses transfer to other colleges and universities?
Yes, in almost all cases, the online courses you complete and pass at BRCC will transfer to other colleges and universities. BRCC is a SACS COC accredited college. In addition, we have transfer agreements with a number of Louisiana schools like LSU, Franciscan University, Southeastern Louisiana University and Southern University among others.
What is an online course (WEB)?
A course identified in the schedule as WEB meets 100 percent online using the Canvas LMS (learning management system). There are two types of online courses - synchronous and asynchronous.
A synchronous course is live, meaning you will be required to meet with your instructor and other students at a specific time and day using Zoom, Teams, or another virtual meeting software.
An asynchronous course will provide recorded lectures and learning experiences that you will need to review using Canvas. You will not have a meeting time for an asynchronous course. All of the course meetings will be recorded and available for you to review. All of your assignments and testing will be done using the Canvas LMS for both types of online classes.
What is a hybrid course?
A hybrid course will meet online and onsite. Typically you will have class onsite (at either the Mid City Campus or one of our instructional sites) at least a few times during the semester. The rest of the time the course will "meet" virtually using the Canvas LMS.
What is a hyflex course?
A hyflex course is offered in both an onsite and online modality. That allows the student to decide how they will participate in their learning throughout the semester. Your instructor may have specific procedures related to how you report your attendance choice and that should be shared with you during the first week of class and/or on the syllabus.
When am I able to log into my Canvas account and look at my course information?
You are able to log in on the first day of the semester. You should check your Canvas account daily for updates related to all of your courses. Please make sure you are logging into the BRCC Canvas site and must use your BRCC credentials to access the platform.
Do you have any information about how to use Canvas?
Yes! Enroll into our Digital Learning & Academic Support Canvas page by clicking here. You can also view helpful videos on the DLASC's Youtube page. New videos are being uploaded weekly.
I want to send my instructor an email. Where can I find her/his email address?
If you are trying to send your instructor an email before the semester has started, you can search for your instructor on the BRCC Directory page. If you are trying to send your instructor an email once the semester has started, you can use the email feature on Canvas.
I am having problems related to Canvas. Where do I go for help?
You have two basic options. The first is by using the Help feature on Canvas. The Help button is located on the far left of your Canvas screen. The Help feature is monitored 24/7 and provides live chat, phone or email options. The second option is to contact the BRCC IT Help Desk. We also recommend reaching out to fellow classmates for assistance. If you are having problems, please be sure to notify your instructor as soon as possible.
How can I order my textbooks online?
You can order your textbooks through the BRCC Bookstore.
Is there a way to talk with someone about issues I am experiencing in online courses?
If the issue is related to coursework, the first contact should be an email to your instructor. If you do not receive a satisfactory timely response, the second option is to contact the department chair. You can also use the BRCC Cares option to submit a problem. That submission will go to the Dean of Students Office and be handled on your behalf.
What if I don't have a computer, laptop, or tablet?
It is a general assumption that you have one of those devices in order to take an eLearning course. BRCC is committed to digital inclusion and may be able to help. Please notify your instructor immediately if you do not have access to technology (i.e. a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer) and/or WiFi.
Can I get a tutor to help me online?
Yes, the Digital Learning and Academic Support Center offers online tutoring free to all students. Complete this form to request tutoring support.
Are there other resources for assistance?
We invite you to visit the Virtual Student Center on the BRCC Canvas website to explore all of the options. To access this site, log into your Canvas account (using your LoLa login information) and select the Virtual Student Center from among your courses. If you are in need of technology hardware, please inform your instructor on the first day of the semester.
Are there any special procedures for an online student?
Yes, you should take a look at the BRCC eLearning Honor Code which you will also receive from your instructor. In addition, pay attention to the special instructions listed in each of your course's syllabi and to netiquette expectations from your instructor.
Are there resources to help me with my mental health?
Yes, BRCC has on staff professional counselors that provide free psychological support to students. You can view more information, including how to set an appointment with Counseling Services.
Do I have access to any software like Microsoft Word or Excel?
Yes, you are able to download the Microsoft Office suite including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel free of charge once you are enrolled at BRCC. You should contact the for assistance with that service. If you have never used those products or would like to have a refresher session, send us an email at
How does BRCC monitor student satisfaction with their online learning experience?
You will be asked to complete a student assessment at the end of each semester for each course. It is important that you complete this to share your experience. BRCC values that feedback and uses it to make future plans.