Where are you located?
Counseling & Accessibility Services (CAS) is located in the Bienvenue Student Center.
We are located in the same area as the advising and financial aid offices.
Who is eligible for accessibility services?
Any student with a significant learning, physical, or psychological disability that
substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as walking, learning,
and performing manual tasks, is eligible for accessibility services.
Is my disability information shared with my professors?
No. It is your decision to inform each professor about your accommodations noted in
your accommodations letter. This letter will be limited to discussing the accommodations
for which you are qualified and does not contain information regarding your specific
condition. Our office does not contact your instructors to inform them of your accommodations.
I have a temporary disability. Can CAS help me? What services might be available?
Services for students who have a temporary disability are available. The application
process is the same. If, for example, you injured your dominant hand, we may work
to find an assigned note-taker for your classes. You may be approved for extended
time on exams.
Does pregnancy qualify as a temporary disability?
Yes, complications due to pregnancy and the delivery qualify as a temporary disability.
Documentation needs to be submitted when the disability occurs and/or prior to delivery.
Do I have to complete a Semester Accommodation Request Form every semester?
Yes. In order to receive accommodations, you must complete a Semester Accommodation
Request Form every semester. It is recommended that the form be completed within the
first three (3) days of class.
Are accommodations retroactive?
No. Accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations for otherwise qualified students
with disabilities do not take effect until the student has completed the registration
process with CAS and have provided the Instructor with a Semester Accommodation Letter.
You must give your Instructor at least three (3) business days’ notice before use
of an accommodation. Accessibility Services cannot require the Instructor or anyone
else to make changes in grades for assignments/examinations given prior to notification
of accommodations.
Does CAS provide tutoring?
No, however, free tutoring is offered through the Digital Learning and Academic Support
Center for all students. https://www.mybrcc.edu/alc/
Can I get a psychological evaluation from the BRCC Counselors?
CAS does not provide evaluations, however referral information is available.
How do I refer students to CAS?
You can encourage the student to call us at 225-216-8643 to discuss the process for
services or use our online referral form to refer a student.
Please contact our office or submit an online referral form if you have any additional questions.
Baton Rouge Community College does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies and procedures with regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status.