Entering Budget Requests in the Planning and Budget System
Budget Managers and designees, click here for instructions on how budget requests should be entered into the Planning and Budget System (PBS).
Commonly Used Budget Terms
There are several budget terms that are commonly used at the College and it is essential for Budget Managers and their designees to understand these terms.
Click here for a list of budget terms that are commonly used at the College.
Account Codes
Budget codes must be specified on every initiation to spend funds (e.g. purchase requisitions, travel authorizations, special meals requests, consulting service contracts, etc.). The following type of codes must be specified: Fund Code, Org Code, Account Code, Program Code, and Activity Code (optional). The Fund Code, Org Code, and Program Code will be the same each time a department needs to initiate the spending of funds. However, the Account Code will change each time, as it is dependent upon the items being purchased.
Click here for a list of Account Codes that must be used on requisitions, authorizations, contracts, etc. (there are several tabs on the spreadsheet).
Campus/Site Codes
All purchases must be tracked by campus/site so the true cost of running each site/program can be identified. Therefore, the campus/site of where the goods/services will be used/rendered must be identified on all purchases. The campus/site code must be listed at the end of the Account Code.
Click here for a list of campus/site codes.
Summary of Budget Categories
To ensure purchase requisitions can be entered, it is required that budget be available in the correct budget category (i.e. if copy paper needs to be ordered, budget must be available in Operating Supplies and not another category like Capital Outlay).
Click here for a summary of the budget categories and how to ensure budget is in the right place for your purchasing needs.
How Budget Affects Purchasing and Accounts Payable
Accurate budget processing is required to ensure purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and vendor payments can be processed.
Click here for an overview of common issues that must be addressed to ensure Purchasing and Accounts Payable processes can be completed to fulfill your department’s needs.
Budget Training
Budget training is offered periodically throughout the year and on an individual basis, as needed.
Click here for a budget training guide.