• Submit an  IT Helpdesk ticket requesting your DocuSign account to be set up. Note that you must be on campus to submit a Helpdesk ticket.
  • You should receive an email from DocuSign asking to validate your account. Please click the validation link in your email.
  • *The verification email may go to your Junk Email, Junk folder or Clutter.*
  • Enter a password and then the password again in the "confirm password" box and click the Activate button.
  • Once signed in to DocuSign click New and select Use a Template.
  • Choose the Travel Authorization Form template.
  • Fill out all necessary information (Traveler’s Name and Email, Supervisor’s Name and Email, etc).
  • Once all information is filled out click the Send button.
  • Click Sign now to begin filling out the form as the traveler.
  • Click continue to fill out form.
  •  When done click Finish and it will be sent to the list of individuals from step 6.