The purpose of the BRCC All Hazards Emergency Response Plan is to provide guidance to the Campus Community on the college’s response to a variety of emergencies that may occur on or near campus. An emergency (minor, major, or disaster) can occur at any time and without warning. The All Hazards Plan is also a management tool used to facilitate preparedness, coordinated emergency response with first responders (law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services), and recovery efforts at BRCC locations.
The All Hazards Emergency Response Plan includes the College’s efforts to prepare, respond, and recover from any campus emergency. This Plan will be activated when any minor, major, or the Crisis Management Team has declared disaster. The Emergency Response Plan will serve as the general framework for intelligence collection, information dissemination, and a programmed response.
College emergency operations are guided and the key response principles, roles, and structures are organized within the framework of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) model. The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized on-scene emergency management construct specifically designed to prove for the adoption of an integrated organizational structure that reflects the complexity and demands of a single or multiple incident without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries.
NIMS defines several important roles including, but not limited to:
- Incident Commander: The incident Commander has the overall responsibility for the management of all emergency activities, including development, implementation, and review of strategic decisions, as well as the post event assessment. Command Staff and General Staff report directly to the Incident Commander. These positions are established to assign responsibility for key activities. The Incident Commander and Command Staff operate out of one Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
- Public Information Officer: The Public Information Officer communicates up-to-date and accurate information on the status of the situation to the College community, media, general public, and key agencies.
- Liaison Officer(s): The liaison officer(s) are the point(s) of contact for government representatives, nongovernment, and private entities.
- Safety Officer: The safety officer monitors and evaluates all incident operations for hazards and unsafe conditions, including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel.
- Additional Incident Command Staff: Based on the nature of the emergency, College personnel may be called to operate out of the EOC and report to the Incident Commander.
The Crisis Management Team has implemented the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Management System (ICS) developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the official incident management system for emergencies that may occur on campus. This comprehensive approach strengthens preparedness for all constituents and includes identifying key personnel to review organizational aspects of planning and training to increase survivability of faculty, staff, and students should we encounter volatile situations on campus or in the community.
BRCC’s CMT is charged with executing the college’s emergency response plan and evacuation procedures to handle events or incidents planned and unplanned at BRCC locations. When such incidents occur, CMT members make appropriate recommendations to the Chancellor (or designee) for action.
CMT members are required to receive NIMS and ICS Training to conform to expectations essential of individuals preparing, responding, and leading recovery efforts.
BRCC’s All Hazards Plan was developed after identifying hazards, assessing vulnerabilities and potential impacts at the College. A fundamental objective of the College is to provide a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan with specific emergency protocols for our constituents. Although we are committed to maintaining safety at all BRCC locations, employees, students, and visitors of the College must accept personal responsibility for their own safety and well-being by reporting hazardous conditions or incidents that pose an immediate or ongoing threat to the health or safety of the College.
Please click here to review BRCC All Hazards Emergency Response Plan