STEP 1: Request Required Documents
Request the following documents from the contractor. The required documents may vary depending on whether the contractor is an individual or a business entity.
- W-9 (IRS Form)
- Resume — A brief description of the contractor's work experience to demonstrate their qualifications.
- Company Bio — Required if contracting with a business entity; it can be a printout from the company’s website.
- Retirement Plan Membership Disclosure Form — Required if contracting with an individual.
- Board Resolution — Required if contracting with a corporation to document who is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the corporation.
- Signature Authority Letter — Required if contracting with a business that is not a corporation.
- ACH Direct Deposit Payment Enrollment Form — Contractor must enroll in electronic payments.
STEP 2: Download and Complete the Contract Template
Download the Contract Template (Consulting, Professional, Personal, or Social Services). Complete the following highlighted sections:
- Name & legal address of contractor (opening paragraph)
- Scope of Services (section I)
- Payment Terms (section II)
- Taxes (section III)
- Term of Contract (section X)
- Signature Page
Once completed, remove the highlights. Do not modify any unhighlighted sections.
STEP 3: Complete the Contract Transmittal Form and Other Required Documents
Use the Contract Transmittal Form as a checklist to ensure all required documents are included. Complete the following documents:
- Contract Requisition Form — Include the contractor's address, email, and phone number.
- Contract Certification Letter
- Contract Cost Benefit Analysis
STEP 4: Submit and Route the Contract for Approval
Once the contract packet is complete, print all documents and sign them as the Contract Requestor. Then, route the packet to the Department Head for review and approval. After that, route the packet to Hilary Stephenson in Purchasing for processing and final approvals.
Timelines to Remember
- $20,000 or less: 3 weeks before contract start date
- $20,001 - $49,999: 6 weeks before contract start date
- $50,000 or more: 8 weeks before contract start date
Other Contract Documents and Forms
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the contract process, please email Hilary Stephenson or call at 216-8439.