Recognizing the warning signs and symptoms of abuse is the first step, but taking action is the most important step in breaking free. Feeling uncomfortable or being afraid in your relationship is the number 1 red flag that your relationship is not healthy. Estimates are that 1 out of 4 women will experience an abusive relationship and there are often many early, detectable warning signs.

Common Warning Signs of Domestic Violence

The following list can help you determine whether you or someone you care about is involved in an abusive relationship. Not all of these characteristics need to be present for a relationship to be abusive, and characteristics by themselves do not necessarily indicate abuse. A relationship may be abusive if your partner…

  • Feels he/she has the right to dictate your behavior, privileges, or responses and opinions
  • Demonstrates ownership of you or extreme possessiveness; says things like “I can’t live without you,” or “You are my whole world.”
  • Blames you for her/his problems or behavior
  • Isolates you – doesn’t allow you to see your family or friends
  • Needs to constantly know your whereabouts; expects you to spend all of your free time with him/her
  • Humiliates you in public
  • Forces you to have sex or perform sexual acts
  • Insists on controlling all of the money, both your and his/hers
  • Has no regard for your physical or mental health
  • Criticizes your appearance, weight, clothes, etc.
  • Pressures you to live together or get married before you are ready
  • Angers easily
  • Becomes angry when you have a different opinion than he/she does or don’t take his/her advice
  • Shows jealousy toward your children, family, friends or job
  • Suggests reasons for you to fear ending the relationship
  • Dual personality (Jekyll and Hyde), i.e., charming in public, aggressive in private
  • Displays violent behavior toward other people
  • Disregards the law; feels he/she is above the law
  • Blames all past relationship problems on the ex-partner
  • Has a record or history of domestic violence

Counseling Services

Any student in need of personal, educational, or crisis intervention counseling are eligible for counseling services. We offer a range of services including:

  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Couples counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Support groups
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Referrals

Availability of Services

The office of Counseling & Accessibility Services is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The office observes holiday and vacation days as designated by the college. During the summer, Counseling & Accessibility Services is open between the hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.

Related Links

Louisiana Coalition Against DV

Iris Domestic Violence Center

National Network to End DV

LA Foundation Against Sexual Assault

Battered Women’s Justice Project

National Online Resource Center

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