Where are you located?
Counseling & Accessibility Services (CAS) is located in the Bienvenue Student Center. We are located in the same area as the advising and financial aid offices.
How do I make an appointment?
Appointments can be made by completing the consent to treatment or using our online referral form to request counseling services.
Who is eligible for counseling services?
All currently enrolled BRCC students are eligible to receive services. During the initial assessment, a mental health counselor will assess a student’s individual needs and discuss recommendations for treatment.
Do you provide after-hours emergency mental health services?
CAS does not provide 24-hour coverage. If you experience a mental health emergency and need immediate assistance:
- Call 911, the Baton Rouge 24-hour crisis line at (225)924-3900, or the National Suicide Prevention Life Line at 1-800-273-8255
- Go to a local hospital emergency room or the COPE Team at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital (225-765-6565, 5000 Hennessey Blvd.)
What if I am concerned about another person’s behaviors?
The BRCC Cares webpage (https://www.mybrcc.edu/brcccares/) is designed to provide a safe place for members of the College community to report concerns, centralize reporting, maintain records, and connect important information. Reports are reviewed during normal business hours. Reports are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official College holidays.
Completing a form on this site does not constitute filing an official police report. To file an official police report, please contact the BRCC Police Department by calling 225-216-8888 or visit in person at Bienvenue Student Center.
You can also use our online referral form to report issues related to counseling and/or accessibility services.
Will my privacy be protected?
All sessions/records are confidential. College staff, faculty, law enforcement officials, parents, potential employers, and others have no access to any of your records without your written permission. Please note, there are exceptions to confidentiality:
- If you are likely to harm yourself or others unless protective measures are taken.
- If you lack the capacity to care for yourself.
- When there is reasonable suspicion of abuse of children, dependent adults or the elderly.
- When there is a valid court order for disclosure of client files.
How much does counseling cost?
Counseling services are free for enrolled students. This includes between breaks when continuously enrolled.
What are the qualifications of the counselors?
Your counselor may be a licensed professional counselor or social worker, a provisional licensed professional counselor, or a graduate student under the supervision of licensed staff members.
Does CAS provide psychotropic medication and/or medication management?
CAS does not have a psychiatrist on staff, but can provide referral information to students requesting medication or medication management.
Can I get a psychological evaluation from the BRCC Counselors?
CAS does not provide evaluations, however referral information is available.
How do I refer students to CAS?
You can encourage the student to call us at 225-216-8643 to discuss the registration process for services or use our online referral form to submit a referral.