BRCC policy prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of illicit drugs and/or alcohol on the campus sponsored events. The unlawful use of drugs or alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of members of the BRCC community. Violations of this policy may result in criminal action as well as disciplinary action.
This policy is in place to protect and support the employees and students of BRCC.
BRCC is dedicated to providing a quality comprehensive educational program designed to meet and balance the diverse and changing educational, social, economic, and cultural needs of the community while providing a safe and healthful environment. BRCC is committed not only to learning and to the advancement of knowledge but also to the education of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. BRCC seeks to achieve these goals through a sound educational program and through rules and regulations governing student life that encourage responsibility and respect for the rights and viewpoints of others.
Therefore, the use, sale, distribution, possession of alcohol, or any drug, including prescription medication used in an unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, expulsion.
BRCC believes that students are adults who are responsible for their own actions, and who should be free to pursue their educational objectives in an environment that promotes learning, protects the integrity of the academic process, and protects the learning community.
BRCC’s rules and regulations concerning student conduct may be found within the college catalog available online. These rules and regulations are in effect when attending or participating in any class or activity sponsored by BRCC, either on campus or at an off-campus event.
While at work, each LCTCS System employee has a responsibility to deliver service in a safe, efficient, and conscientious manner. Therefore, the use, sale, distribution, possession of alcohol, or any drug, including prescription medication used in an unauthorized manner is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, termination.
An employee who is believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work may face punitive actions.
As a condition of employment, an employee shall notify his or her supervisor of any conviction for an alcohol or drug related offense immediately after such arrest/conviction. Failure to give this notification may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Each employee has access to BRCC employee rules and regulations governing employee conduct in the BRCC General New Employee Orientation. These rules and regulations are in effect when on campus in any capacity and participating in any BRCC sponsored activity, either on campus or at an off-campus event.
For further guidance, employees are instructed to see the BRCC/HR policies as outlined
on the BRCC website.
Off campus
BRCC may take disciplinary action against those students and employees whose behavior off- campus, or in matters unrelated to BRCC’s activities or business, indicates that they pose a serious and substantial danger to themselves or others.
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) requires the college to remit certification to the Department of Education that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent illicit use of drugs and abuse of alcohol by its students and employees. The program includes:
- Standards of conduct concerning the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs; and the illegal use of alcohol by students and employees on college property or at any college activity.
- A description of the legal sanctions for violating the law.
- A clear statement of the college’s sanctions issued for the commission of these types of violations.
- A description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation services offered at BRCC .
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol.
The information provided in this chapter complies with the requirements of the act.