On Thursday, Jan. 28, education leaders of Baton Rouge will gather to share updates and key data points to the community on the Capital Area Promise, a joint initiative to create more college and career pathways for students in Greater Baton Rouge.

The annual update, named “Progress on the Promise,” will begin with a press conference at 10 a.m. held at the River Center Branch Library, 250 North Boulevard downtown. Speakers include LSU Interim President Thomas Galligan, Southern University President-Chancellor Ray Belton, Baton Rouge Community College Chancellor Willie Smith, and EBR Associate Superintendent Adam Smith. Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, a partner to the Promise since its launch, will also give remarks. Leaders will be joined by representatives from agencies that support the Promise.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the press conference will be streamed on the partners’ social media platforms. It will also be shared on local Metro 21 television.

Through the day, there will be other virtual sessions to highlight the work of the Promise, as well as programming for community members.

At 1 p.m., members of the Promise’s Core Team will formally present the report and take questions from constituents, community members, and local media. To join,

From 4 – 5:30 p.m., the partners will present “Pathways to Success: Promoting College and Career Readiness,” a presentation & discussion for teachers across the region.  This session will highlight resources teachers can share with students as they transition from secondary to postsecondary education. Presenters will also share resources available to teachers for their continued professional development. Co-presenters are Debra Wilkerson (East Baton Rouge Parish School System), Dr. Frank Neubrander (LSU), and Dr. Sarah Barlow (Baton Rouge Community College).

From 6 p.m. – 8 p.m., the partners will present “Keeping the Promise, a conversation with students and families. This session will connect students and families with admissions and financial aid staff to share important information and answer questions. Topics include dual enrollment, workforce skills, and completing the FAFSA. Co-presenters include representatives from LSU Enrollment Management, Southern University Admissions & Recruitment, and the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance, or LOSFA. 

The Capital Area Promise was launched in 2018, when education leaders signed an agreement with plans of greater collaboration of existing programs, promoting early childhood education, and expanding college tours and summer internships for youth, among others. Further, the leaders agreed to 10 goals that monitor their collective progress and impact. Since its launch, the Promise has expanded to include state agencies, local businesses, and other surrounding K-12 districts.

For more questions regarding the “Progress on the Promise” event or the Capital Area Promise, contact Brandon Smith, LSU director of community and education partnerships, at (225) 578-8699 or info@capitalareapromise.org.