Using LoLA to Register for Classes
To Login:
- Go to
- Click the LoLA link located at the top of BRCC’s webpage.
- You should receive your username and temporary password to the email address you listed on your admissions application.
- Reset your password using the following guidelines:
- DO NOT use any part of your name in your password.
- The length of your password must be between 12 and 20 characters.
- Your password must contain at least one number and one letter.
- Your password must contain both upper and lowercase letters.
- Your password must contain at least one of the following characters: @, %, *, =, +
Example of a good password for Leeza Davis: MaggieMay01@70364
Why? No part of the name is used, the length is 17 characters, uses at least one number, uses at least one letter, uses an “@” sign, uses at least one capital.
- Complete the secret answers and questions screen that appears, then click Submit Setup. (Keep note of this information in case you forget your password. You will be asked these questions.)
- Register for Courses
You should now be logged in to LoLA. Complete the steps below to register for your classes.
- Select the Baton Rouge Community College link located in the self-service area of the page.
- If necessary, click the Student tab then click Registration.
- On the registration page, click Add or Drop Classes.
- On the registration term page, change the term to the desired term—click Submit.
- On the add or drop classes page, click Class Search.
- On the look-up classes page, select the desired subject area from the list of subjects.
For example, if you want to register for an English class, use the up/down arrows to find English in the subject list and click on it.
- Click Class Search.
A list of classes will appear based on the search information that was selected.
For example, if you search for ENGL, a list of all English sections will appear.
- To the left of each section, you will see a box. Click the box of the section of the course you wish to register for. (If you see a C instead of a box, it means the section is closed because it is at capacity.)
- Click Add to Worksheet. (Add to worksheet lets you review the classes before you register for them. If you click Register, you will be registered for the class without reviewing the classes first.)
- Repeat Steps 7 through 11 using the Class Search button to add each class you wish to register for.
- Once all classes have been added, click Submit Changes. A copy of your schedule will appear on screen.
To drop/remove a class, use the action box located on the right side of the course to drop the course then click submit changes.
To view/print a copy of your schedule, click the Student Tab, click Registration, click concise student schedule or Student Detail Schedule from the list, select the desired term, click Submit. Print your schedule if desired.
To view/print your tuition and fees for the semester, click the Student Tab, click Student Account, click Account Summary by Term. Print your account summary if desired.