Student publications showcase student writing and artistic talents, providing a platform for students to exhibit their skills while gaining experience in producing publications.
BRCC Today
BRCC Today is the official campus newspaper, created, written, and edited entirely by BRCC students. It informs, educates, and entertains the college community, offering an objective and timely-reported publication in an open forum free of administrative censorship. The student staff gains real-world experience by writing, editing, contributing photographs, and using desktop publishing to produce the newspaper.
Additionally, student staff members are responsible for advertising sales and publication distribution, adhering to journalistic standards and laws governing free expression. Students interested in joining the BRCC Today staff can visit the Office of Student Life or email at
Freedom of the Press Statement
Officially recognized BRCC student publications are free from censorship, allowing student editors to develop editorial policies and determine coverage and content. Students are afforded freedom of the press and speech, as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. These rights are protected from infringement by the college or any of its agencies, faculty, staff, or administrators.
Student journalists can report on and editorialize about controversial issues affecting the college, community, nation, and the world. Under the "fair comment" rule, students can express opinions on public matters, including criticism of college policy, as long as it is not libelous. However, student journalists are expected to practice responsible journalism and avoid using obscene, libelous, or disruptive material.
While BRCC does not review student-written materials before printing, student editors are legally liable for the content they publish.
Definitions of Unprotected Speech
Certain types of speech are deemed unprotected by law, and their use by BRCC students is strictly prohibited.
- Obscene material: Sexually explicit material that offensively describes/depicts lewd images of the genitals or promotes prurient interest in sex; or material lacking serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
- Libelous statements: False statements, willfully or negligently published, that can harm an individual’s or business’s reputation. It must be proven that the statement was made with reckless disregard for the truth or with malice.
- Disruptive material: Publications that cause interference with the educational process, such as inciting riots or unlawful actions. However, material that merely stimulates debate or discussion is not considered disruptive.