Tuition and Fees

Baton Rouge Community College's tuition and fees are among the most affordable in the state. All tuition and fees must be paid in full on or before the payment deadline listed in the Academic Calendar. Payments not received in the Bursar's Office by specified due dates may result in students being purged from registered classes. A student is considered officially registered once tuition and fees are paid in full and all required admission documents have been submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services.

Online payments of tuition and fees can be made 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week though LOLA via credit card, debit card, or electronic check.  Please note: The only form of in person payments that are accepted at the bursar’s cashier windows are Cash, Check, Cashier’s Check, and Money Order. Credit card and debit card payments are not accepted at the bursar’s window. Computer terminals are available inside the Bienvenue Student Services Center to make online credit or debit card payments.

You can secure your classes by doing one of the following:

You can find out how to sign up for a payment plan here.

BRCC Student Self Assessed and Mandatory Fees:

  • Athletic Fee: $6:00 per credit hour (not to exceed $72 per semester). The athletic fee is a self-assessed fee that was approved by the BRCC student body. The proceeds from the athletic fee supports BRCC’s athletic and student recreational programs.
  • SGA Fee: $4.00 per credit hour (not to exceed $48 per semester). The SGA fee is a self-assessed fee that was approved by the BRCC student body. The proceeds from this fee go directly to the Student Government. Association (SGA), which oversees the disbursement of the funds to various student activities and SGA sponsored events.
  • Technology Fee: $5.00 per credit hour (not to exceed $60 per semester). The technology fee is a self –assessed fee. The proceeds from the fee are used for implementing, replacing, improving, and expanding technologies to benefit student life and learning.
  • Academic Excellence Fee: $7.00 per credit hour (not to exceed $84 per semester).The academic excellence fee promotes academic excellence at the College by enhancing institutional support programs.
  • Building Use Fee: $4.00 per credit hour (not to exceed $48 per semester). Proceeds from the building use fee are used to construct, repaid, maintain, operate, and improve the facilities and physical infrastructure of the college.
  • Enterprise Resource Fee (ERP): $5 per credit hour (for lecture courses not to exceed $60 per semester; for online courses the fee is uncapped). The proceeds from this fee are used by the LCTCS System for implementing, replacing, and expending technologies to enhance system-wide communications.
  • Excess Credit Hour Fee: $146.89 for each lecture credit hour over 16 credit hours. Effective Fall 2016, the LCTCS Board of Supervisors approved the Excess Credit Hour Fee for all lecture based credit hours after the 16th credit hour.
  • Operational Fee: $3 per credit hour (not to exceed $36 per semester). Effective Fall 2004, the State of Louisiana Legislature approved an operational fee to be assessed at all state colleges and university to cover operational expenses no longer covered by the State.
  • Student Services Fee: $7 per credit hour (for lecture courses no to exceed $84 per semester, for online courses the fee is uncapped). Effective Fall 2011, LCTCS Board of Supervisors approved a student services fee at all LCTCS. Colleges. The proceeds from this fee are used to provide and support student services
  • Campus Ground Access and Maintenance Fee: $50 – The proceeds from this fee are used for the administration, operation construction, repair, maintenance, security and operation of traffic, parking and parking facilities, and other operational expenses. This fee is assessed to all students upon registration at $50 per semester not to exceed $150 per person in an academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer).