ACCT 2103
Introduction to Auditing
ACCT 2113
Financial Accounting III
ACCT 2123
Introduction to Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
ACCT 2213
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2313
Financial Accounting I
ACCT 2323
Financial Accounting II
ACCT 2353
Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 2413
Computer-Based Accounting
ACCT 2513
Payroll Accounting
ACCT 2613
Introduction to Federal Taxation
ACCT 2623
Advanced Federal Taxation
ACCT 2633
Enrolled Agent Policies and Procedures
AMTA 1216
Aircraft Structures
AMTA 1224
Aircraft Finishes
AMTA 1236
Aircraft Electrical
AMTA 1244
Aircraft Systems
AMTG 1016
General Maintenance Practices
AMTG 1026
General Maintenance Processes
AMTP 1116
Powerplant Accesories
AMTP 1126
Powerplant Systems
AMTP 1134
Reciprocating Engine Overhaul
AMTP 1144
Turbine Engine Overhaul
ANTH 1013
Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Prehistory
ANTH 2013
Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology
ARTS 1003
Non-Western Art
ARTS 1023
Introduction to Visual Arts
ARTS 1113
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1123
Intro. to Three-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1153
Introduction to Digital Photography
ARTS 1303
Beginning Painting
ARTS 1313
Intermediate Painting
ARTS 1403
Beginning Ceramics
ARTS 1423
Introduction to Pottery
ARTS 1433
Intermediate Ceramics
ARTS 1503
Introduction to Sculpture
ARTS 1513
Introduction to Web Design
ARTS 2003
Digital Art
ARTS 2023
Relief Printmaking
ARTS 2033
Creative Coding for the Web
ARTS 2103
Art History I
ARTS 2113
Art History II
ARTS 2123
Silkscreen Printmaking
ARTS 2203
Beginning Drawing
ARTS 2213
Intermediate Drawing
ARTS 2313
Introduction to Graphic Design
ARTS 2323
Intermediate Graphic Design
ARTS 2333
ASLS 1003
Deaf Culture
ASLS 1013
American Sign Language I
ASLS 1023
American Sign Language II
ASLS 1033
Fingerspelling and Numbers
ASLS 1113
American Sign Language III
ASLS 1123
American Sign Language IV
ASLS 1133
Introduction to Interpreting
ASLS 1143
ASL and English Translations
ASLS 2013
English-to-ASL Interpreting
ASLS 2023
ASL-to-English Interpreting
ASLS 2033
ASLS Practicum
ASTR 1103
Introduction to Astronomy
AUTO 1103
Engine Design
AUTO 1152
Automotive Internship I
AUTO 1204
Automatic Transmission Systems
AUTO 1252
Automotive Internship II
AUTO 1304
Manual Drivetrain and Axles
AUTO 1404
Steering and Suspension Systems
AUTO 1504
Brake Systems
AUTO 1614
Automotive Advanced Electrical
AUTO 1806
Engine Performance
BIOL 1011
General Biology I Lab
BIOL 1013
General Biology I
BIOL 1021
General Biology II Lab
BIOL 1023
General Biology II
BIOL 1031
Biology I Lab for Science Majors
BIOL 1033
Biology I for Science Majors
BIOL 1041
Biology II Lab for Science Majors
BIOL 1043
Biology II for Science Majors
BIOL 1104
Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 2001
Careers in Life Sciences
BIOL 2101
General Microbiology Lab
BIOL 2103
General Microbiology
BIOL 2121
Microbiology Lab for Science Majors
BIOL 2123
Microbiology for Science Majors
BIOL 2211
Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
BIOL 2213
Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2221
Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
BIOL 2223
Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 2413
Introduction to Oceanography
BIOL 2513
Introductory Genetics
BIOL 2703
Introduction to Nutrition and Wellness
BIOL 2833
Elements of Biochemistry
BUSN 1003
Introduction to Business
BUSN 1303
Customer Service for Business Professionals
BUSN 1503
Professional Selling
BUSN 2003
Principles of Marketing
BUSN 2103
Business Law
BUSN 2403
Business Communication
BUSN 2703
Introduction to Logistics
CARP 1103
Introduction and Safety
CARP 1113
Building Calculations
CARP 1125
Introduction to Tools
CARP 1134
Fundamentals of Carpentry
CARP 1214
Building Materials
CARP 1224
Blueprint Basics
CARP 1234
House Framing
CARP 1312
Commercial Blueprints
CARP 1332
Insulation and Moisture Barrier Concepts
CARP 1343
Exterior Finishing
CARP 1352
Commercial Framing
CARP 1363
CARP 1373
Interior Finishing
CDYC 1103
Working With Young Children
CDYC 1113
Development of Young Children
CDYC 1123
Preschool Curriculum
CDYC 1133
Infant and Toddler Curriculum
CDYC 1203
Health, Safety, and Nutrition
CDYC 1213
Observation and Participation Lab
CDYC 1223
Child Guidance and Behaviors
CDYC 1233
Infant and Toddler Lab
CDYC 1243
Preschool Lab
CDYC 1252
Children With Special Needs
CDYC 2103
Language and Literature Methods
CDYC 2113
Preschool Methods
CDYC 2123
Organization and Administration
CDYC 2132
Family Relationships and Issues
CDYC 2145
CHEM 1003
Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 1041
Chemistry Lab for PTEC Majors
CHEM 1043
Chemistry for PTEC Majors
CHEM 1121
Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1123
Chemistry I for Science Majors
CHEM 1131
Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 1133
Chemistry II for Science Major
CHEM 2211
Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 2213
Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2221
Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHEM 2223
Organic Chemistry II
CIST 1503
Spreadsheets I
CJUS 1013
Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJUS 2013
Correctional Systems and Practices
CJUS 2103
Careers in Criminal Justice
CJUS 2213
Criminal Law
CJUS 2243
Crime Scene Investigation
CJUS 2253
Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJUS 2303
Criminal Justice Internship
CJUS 2313
Police Systems and Practices
CJUS 2413
Juvenile Delinquency
CJUS 2513
CJUS 2613
Court Systems and Practices
CLRP 1105
Non-Structural Damage
CLRP 1114
Staighten, Pull, and Anchor
CLRP 1152
Auto Body Internship I
CLRP 1218
Collision Repair Appraisal
CLRP 1224
Paint and Refinish
CLRP 1252
Auto Body Internship II
CLRP 1314
Section, Cut, and Weld
CLRP 1324
Auto Body Welding
CMGT 1033
Construction Safety
CMGT 1103
Blueprint Reading and Graphics
CMGT 1213
Construction Materials and Methods
CMGT 2003
Contracts and Construction Law
CMGT 2103
Construction Estimating
CMGT 2203
Construction Project Management
CMGT 2253
Mechanical and Electrical Systems
CMGT 2303
Statics and Strengths of Materials
CMGT 2353
Surveying and Site Layout
CMGT 2413
Planning and Scheduling
CMGT 2513
Commercial and Industrial Estimating
CNET 1733
Introduction to PC Operating Systems
CNET 2103
Introduction to Computer Networking
CNET 2403
Desktop/Server and Networking Support
CNET 2503
PC and Network Security
CNET 2603
Wireless Communications
CORE 1003
Introduction to Craft Skills
COSM 1002
Basics of Skin, Scalp, and Hair
COSM 1003
Fundamental Hair Treatments
COSM 1004
Safety and Sanitation
COSM 1104
Wet Hair Styling
COSM 1203
Hair Cutting
COSM 1302
Chemical Hair Relaxing
COSM 1405
Hair Coloring
COSM 1503
Artistry of Artificial Hair
COSM 2003
Manicuring and Pedicuring
COSM 2103
Facial Services and Make-Up
COSM 2104
Permanent Waving
COSM 2203
Thermal Services
COSM 2402
Electricity and Light Therapy
COSM 2504
Salon Management
CSCI 1013
Introduction to Computer Technology
CSCI 1823
Introduction to Database Design
CSCI 1923
Introduction to Computers: Programming Logic and Design
CSCI 1933
Software Design and Programming I
CSCI 1943
Software Design and Programming II
CSCI 1953
Society and Ethics in Computing
CSCI 1973
Emerging Technology
CSCI 1993
Advanced Database Storage and Management
CSCI 2003
Discrete Structures
CSCI 2103
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
CSCI 2113
Cloud Computing Foundations
CSCI 2123
Introduction to Cybersecurity
CSCI 2153
Linux/Unix System Programming
CSCI 2203
Microcomputer Applications in Business
CSCI 2313
Cyber and Digital Forensics
CSCI 2604
Mobile Application Development
CSCI 2653
Virtual Infrastructure: Installation and Configuration
CSCI 2723
Penetration Testing and Incident Response
CSCI 2724
Web Programming
CSCI 2753
Information Assurance and Security
CSCI 2783
Systems Analysis and Design
CSCI 2903
Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
CSSK 1023
College Success Skills
CULN 1113
Culinary Calculations
CULN 1123
Hospitality Industry Overview
CULN 1133
Sanitation and Safety
CULN 1143
Basic Culinary Skills
CULN 1153
Culinary Nutrition
CULN 1213
Dining Room Service
CULN 1229
Food Preparation and Service
CULN 1233
Restaurant Management
CULN 1316
Baking and Pastry
CULN 1323
Regional Cuisine
CULN 1333
International Cuisine
CULN 1343
À La Carte
DHTT 1014
Truck Engine Controls
DHTT 1103
Truck Engine Design
DHTT 1152
Truck Internship I
DHTT 1252
Truck Internship II
DHTT 1304
Truck Drivetrain
DHTT 1404
Truck Brake Systems
DHTT 1504
Truck Suspension and Steering
DHTT 1614
Truck Advanced Electrical
DHTT 1803
Preventative Maintenance Inspection
DHTT 1903
Hydraulic Systems
DRFT 1113
Introduction to Industrial Technology
DRFT 1123
Engineering Drafting
DRFT 1213
Descriptive Geometry
DRFT 1223
Architectural Drafting
DRFT 1233
Pipe Drafting
DRFT 1243
Machine Design Drafting
DRFT 1313
Light Commercial Building Drafting
DRFT 1323
Civil Drafting Technology
DRFT 1333
Drafting and Design Portfolio
ECON 2113
Economic Principles
ECON 2213
Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2223
Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2313
Economics of Money and Banking
ELEC 1119
Electrical Level 1
ELEC 1216
Electrical Level 2 Part 1
ELEC 1226
Electrical Level 2 Part 2
ELEC 1316
Electrical Level 3 Part 1
ELEC 1326
Electrical Level 3 Part 2
ELEC 1419
Electrical Level 4
ENGL 0093
Co-requisite English Composition I
ENGL 1013
English Composition I
ENGL 1023
English Composition II
ENGL 2023
Introduction to Writing Poetry I
ENGL 2033
Introduction to Writing Poetry II
ENGL 2053
Introduction to Writing Short Stories
ENGL 2093
Introduction to Screenwriting
ENGL 2123
Major British Writers
ENGL 2133
Literature and Ethnicity
ENGL 2173
Major American Writers
ENGL 2223
Major World Writers
ENGL 2303
Introduction to Fiction
ENGL 2313
Introduction to Poetry and Drama
ENGL 2323
Introduction to Literature
ENGL 2403
African American Literature
ENGL 2423
Film as Literature
ENGL 2483
Shakespeare: The More Popular Plays
ENGL 2503
ENGL 2513
Professional Writing
ENGR 1032
Engineering Graphics
ENGR 1052
Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 2073
ENGR 2453
ENGR 2953
Comprehensive Electrical Engineering
ENSC 1103
Environmental Science
ENSC 2083
Introduction to Marine Science: Life Processes
FILM 1013
Introduction to Entertainment Industries
FILM 1023
Film and New Media Production I
FILM 2003
Introduction to Cinema Studies
FILM 2013
Cinema History Through 1945
FILM 2023
Film History After 1945
FILM 2033
Film and New Media Production II
FILM 2043
Post-Production Editing and VFX
FINA 1503
Introduction to Financial Management
FREN 1013
Elementary French I
FREN 1023
Elementary French II
FREN 2013
Intermediate French I
FREN 2023
Intermediate French II
GEOG 2013
Introduction to Geography
GEOG 2113
Cultural Geography
GEOL 1103
Physical Geology
HACR 1113
Electrical Fundamentals
HACR 1123
Electrical Components
HACR 1133
Electrical Motors
HACR 1143
Applied Electricity
HACR 1213
Introduction to HVAC
HACR 1229
Principles of Refrigeration
HACR 1234
Commercial Air Conditioning
HACR 1245
Commercial Refrigeration Systems
HACR 2118
Heating Systems
HACR 2124
Residential Heat Pumps
HIST 1113
World Civilization to 1500
HIST 1123
World Civilization 1500 to the Present
HIST 2003
History of Roman Republic and Empire
HIST 2013
American History Colonial to 1865
HIST 2023
American History 1865 to Present
HIST 2033
Louisiana History
HIST 2103
African American History
HIST 2113
English History: from Roman Rule to the Glorious Revolution
HIST 2123
The Holocaust
HIST 2203
History of Medieval Europe
HIST 2213
Modern Europe 1500-1848
HIST 2223
Modern Europe 1848 - Present
HIST 2403
The World Since 1960
HLSC 1103
Medical Terminology
HLSC 1204
Sterile Processing Basics
HNUR 1214
Practical Nursing Fundamentals
HNUR 1225
Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare
HNUR 1312
Nutrition for Practical Nurses
HNUR 1324
HNUR 1335
Practical Nursing Skills
HNUR 1413
Practical Nursing Perspectives
HNUR 1428
Medical Surgical I for Practical Nursing
HNUR 1431
Intravenous (IV) Therapy
HNUR 2115
Obstetric and Pediatric Nursing
HNUR 2128
Medical Surgical II for Practical Nursing
HNUR 2216
Mental Health and PN Leadership
HNUR 2228
Medical Surgical III for Practical Nursing
HORT 1113
Introduction to Plant Science
HORT 1123
Native Plants of Louisiana I
HORT 1133
Plant Propagation
HORT 1141
Louisiana Laws and Regulations
HORT 1154
Soils, Fertilizers, and Water
HORT 1162
Horticulture Lab I
HORT 1213
Greenhouse Procedures
HORT 1222
HORT 1232
Introduction to Irrigation
HORT 1244
Plant Pest Control
HORT 1253
Native Plants of Louisiana II
HORT 1262
Horticulture Lab II
HORT 1313
Landscape Calculations
HORT 1322
Landscaping Equipment
HORT 1336
HORT 1342
Horticulture Lab III
HORT 2053
General Horticulture
HORT 2064
Plant Propagation
HUMN 2013
Africa and the Middle East
HUMN 2103
World Mythology
HUMN 2213
Western Humanities I
HUMN 2223
Western Humanities II
HUMN 2553
Asia and the Americas
HUMN 2753
The Heroic Journey: From Classical to Contemporary
INST 1119
Instrumentation Level 1
INST 1216
Instrumentation Level 2 Part 1
INST 1226
Instrumentation Level 2 Part 2
INST 1316
Instrumentation Level 3 Part 1
INST 1326
Instrumentation Level 3 Part 2
INST 1419
Instrumentation Level 4
INTE 1013
Internet and Computer Literacy
INTE 1103
Install and Troubleshoot Part I
INTE 1113
Install and Troubleshoot Part II
INTE 1203
Operating System Fundamentals
INTE 1253
Project Management
INTE 1803
Unix and Linux System Administration
INTE 2013
Windows Server Part I
INTE 2023
Windows Server Part II
INTE 2033
Windows Server Part III
INTE 2113
Cisco Part I
INTE 2123
Cisco Part II
INTE 2133
Cisco Part III
INTE 2143
Cisco Part IV
INTE 2823
Server Technology
INTE 2903
LIBS 1011
Library Information Services
MANG 1503
Negotiations in Business
MANG 2103
Principles of Management
MANG 2213
Human Resource Management
MANG 2243
Supervisory Management
MANG 2263
Organizational Leadership
MANG 2273
Retail Management
MANG 2283
Organizational Behavior
MANG 2313
Small Business Management
MANG 2413
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
MAST 1014
MAST 1102
Information Management for Medical Assistants
MAST 1113
Medical Coding I
MAST 1114
Electrocardiography (EKG)
MAST 1123
Medical Coding II
MAST 1142
Pharmacology for Medical Assistants
MAST 1152
Human Body for Medical Assistants
MAST 1162
Professionalism in Healthcare
MAST 1171
Medical Terminology for Medical Assistants
MAST 1214
Administrative Procedures
MAST 1221
Clinical Procedures I
MAST 1224
Medical Insurance and Billing
MAST 2132
Clinical Procedures II
MAST 2222
Medical Assistant Externship
MATH 0103
Co-Requisite for Math 1003 and MATH 1103
MATH 0213
Co-Requisite for Math 1213 College Algebra
MATH 1003
The Nature of Mathematics
MATH 1013
Technical Mathematics
MATH 1103
Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
MATH 1203
Survey of Algebra
MATH 1213
College Algebra
MATH 1223
Plane Trigonometry
MATH 1235
College Algebra and Trigonometry
MATH 1303
Elementary Statistics
MATH 1313
Finite Mathematics
MATH 1673
Elementary Number Structure
MATH 1683
Geometry for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
MATH 2084
Introduction to Statistical Analysis
MATH 2103
Calculus for Non-Science Majors
MATH 2115
Calculus I
MATH 2125
Calculus II
MATH 2134
Multidimensional Calculus
MATH 2303
Basic Statistics I
MATH 2313
Basic Statistics II
MATH 2904
Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MILL 1119
Millwright Level 1
MILL 1216
Millwright Level 2 Part 1
MILL 1226
Millwright Level 2 Part 2
MILL 1316
Millwright Level 3 Part 1
MILL 1326
Millwright Level 3 Part 2
MILL 1419
Millwright Level 4
MUSC 1003
Music Theory I
MUSC 1013
Music Appreciation
MUSC 1023
History of Jazz
MUSC 1081
Class Piano I
MUSC 1091
Class Piano II
MUSC 1203
Ear Training and Sight Singing I
MUSC 1213
Ear Training and Sight Singing II
MUSC 1303
Introduction to World Music
MUSC 1313
History of the Recording Industry
MUSC 1323
American Popular Music
MUSC 1343
The Music Industry
MUSC 1403
MUSC 1413
Introduction to Music Technology
MUSC 1441
Jazz Ensemble I
MUSC 1451
Jazz Ensemble II
MUSC 2003
Music Theory II
MUSC 2013
Music History I
MUSC 2023
Music History II
MUSC 2301
Studio Applied Lessons
MUSC 2313
Pro Tools I
MUSC 2323
Pro Tools II
MUSC 2441
Jazz Ensemble III
MUSC 2451
Jazz Ensemble IV
MVSB 1002
Fundamentals of Safety
MVSB 1003
Motor Vehicle Service Basics
MVSB 1604
Electrical Essentials
MVSB 1703
Heating and Air Conditioning
NURS 1106
Nursing Fundamentals
NURS 2106
Adult Nursing I
NURS 2124
Mental Health Nursing
NURS 2206
Adult Nursing II
NURS 2226
Maternal-Child Nursing
NURS 2307
Adult Nursing III
NURS 2401
Senior Capstone
PALG 1013
Introduction to Paralegal Studies
PALG 1203
Introduction to Legal Research
PALG 1213
Introduction to Legal Writing
PALG 2103
Law Office Management
PALG 2113
Computers in the Law Office
PALG 2153
Litigation I
PALG 2223
Real Estate Law and Procedures
PALG 2233
Insurance Law and Procedures
PALG 2243
Wills, Successions, and Trusts
PALG 2253
Employment Law
PALG 2263
Family Law
PALG 2273
Criminal Law
PALG 2283
Personal Injury Law and Procedures
PALG 2303
Ethics and Paralegals
PALG 2903
Paralegal Practicum
PHIL 1013
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2013
Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2073
Environmental Ethics
PHIL 2113
Introduction to Logic
PHIL 2253
Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 2283
Philosophy of Religion
PHSC 1021
Physical Science I Lab
PHSC 1023
Physical Science I
PHSC 1031
Physical Science II Lab
PHSC 1033
Physical Science II
PHYS 1013
Introduction to Concepts in Physics
PHYS 1103
Introduction to Physics
PHYS 2111
General Physics I Lab
PHYS 2113
General Physics I
PHYS 2121
General Physics II Lab
PHYS 2123
General Physics II
PHYS 2133
Engineering Physics I
PHYS 2143
Engineering Physics II
PHYS 2153
Engineering Physics III
PIPE 1119
Pipefitting Level 1
PIPE 1216
Pipefitting Level 2 Part 1
PIPE 1226
Pipefitting Level 2 Part 2
PIPE 1316
Pipefitting Level 3 Part 1
PIPE 1326
Pipefitting Level 3 Part 2
PIPE 1419
Pipefitting Level 4
POLI 2013
American Government
POLI 2023
International Relations
POLI 2113
Constitutional Law
POLI 2213
Comparative Politics
POLI 2603
Introduction to Political Theory
PSYC 2013
Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2073
Human Sexuality
PSYC 2083
Adolescent Psychology
PSYC 2113
Psychology of Development
PSYC 2313
Psychology of Child Development
PSYC 2413
Social Psychology
PSYC 2613
Educational Psychology
PTEC 1013
Introduction to Process Techno
PTEC 1312
Process Instrumentation
PTEC 1322
Process Instrumentation Lab
PTEC 1612
Process Technology I Equipment
PTEC 1622
Process Tech I Equipment Lab
PTEC 2033
Safety, Health, and Environmen
PTEC 2073
PTEC 2421
Process Tech II Unit Sys Lab
PTEC 2423
Process Technology II Unit Systems
PTEC 2432
Process Technology III Operations
PTEC 2442
Process Tech III Operations Lab
PTEC 2443
Process Troubleshooting
PTEC 2633
Fluid Mechanics
PTEC 2913
Process Technology Internship
RNRE 1013
Natural Resource Conservation
RNRE 1021
Issues in Natural Resource Management
RNRE 2033
Principles of Wildlife Management and Conservation
RNRE 2103
Roofin Applications
CARP 1323
SOCL 2013
Introduction to Sociology
SOCL 2113
Contemporary Social Problems
SOCL 2213
Marriage and the Family
SOCL 2413
Race Relations
SOCW 2003
Introduction to Social Work
SONO 1011
Foundations of Sonography
SONO 1102
Physics and Instrumentation I
SONO 1122
Abdominal Ultrasound I
SONO 1143
Ultrasound Learning Lab I
SONO 1161
Ultrasound Practicum I
SONO 1182
Ultrasound OB/GYN I
SONO 1203
Sonographic Sectional Anatomy
SONO 2101
Physics and Instrumentation II
SONO 2123
Abdominal Ultrasound II
SONO 2163
Ultrasound Practicum II
SONO 2183
Ultrasound OB/GYN II
SONO 2201
Physics and Instrumentation III
SONO 2302
Abdominal Ultrasound III
SONO 2403
Ultrasound Practicum III
SONO 2502
Ultrasound OB/GYN III
SONO 2601
Comprehensive Seminar
SPAN 1013
Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1023
Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 2013
Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2023
Intermediate Spanish II
SPCH 1013
Fundamentals of Communication
SPCH 2013
Public Speaking
SPCH 2113
Argumentation and Debate
SPCH 2213
Interpersonal Communication
SPCH 2313
Business and Professional Communication
SPCH 2403
Performance of Literature
SPCH 2413
Small Group Communication
SURT 1021
Skills Lab I Surgical Technology
SURT 1023
Surgical Technology Fundamentals
SURT 1103
Surgical Procedures I
SURT 1113
Surgical Procedures II
SURT 1122
Skills Lab II Surgical Technol
SURT 2103
Surgical Procedures III
SURT 2207
Practicum I Surgical Procedures
SURT 2259
Practicum II Surgical Procedures
TEAC 2013
Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings I
TEAC 2033
Teaching and Learning in Diverse Settings II
THTR 1013
Introduction to Theatre
THTR 1023
THTR 2103
Acting I
THTR 2113
Acting II
THTR 2203
Stage Voice: Basic Techniques
VTEC 1011
Animal Health Careers
VTEC 1023
Veterinary Office Procedures and Hospital Management
VTEC 1031
Veterinary Medical Terminology
VTEC 1041
Animal Breeds and Behavior
VTEC 1051
Animal Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory
VTEC 1054
Animal Anatomy and Physiology
VTEC 1082
Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians
VTEC 1212
Animal Nursing Skills I
VTEC 1232
Surgical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians
VTEC 1351
Clinical Pathology I Laboratory
VTEC 1353
Clinical Pathology I
VTEC 1412
Anesthesia for Veterinary Technicians
VTEC 1613
Imaging for Veterinary Technicians
VTEC 1711
Exotic Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians
VTEC 1872
Clinical Externship I
VTEC 2053
Small Animal Medicine
VTEC 2112
Laboratory Animal Medicine and Nursing
VTEC 2212
Animal Nursing Skills II
VTEC 2274
Clinical Externship II
VTEC 2352
Clinical Pathology II
VTEC 2414
Large Animal Medicine and Nursing
VTEC 2512
Trends in Veterinary Technology
VTEC 2574
Clinical Externship III
WELD 1113
Welding Fundamentals
WELD 1211
Cutting Processes
WELD 1318
SMAW I (Fillet Weld)
WELD 1419
SMAW II (V-Groove Open/BU/Gouge, & Plate 2G-4G
WELD 1519
SMAW III (Pipe Welds 2G-6G)
WELD 2116
GTAW (Pipe 26-6G)
WELD 2213
FCAW (Fillet & Groove Welds)
WELD 2313
GMAW (Fillet & Groove Welds)