IT Help Desk Has Moved to a New Location
The IT Help Desk has moved to a new location in the Governors Building on the Mid City Campus. The IT Help Desk is now located on the first floor, Room 114. The new area is designed to serve BRCC students, faculty, and staff more efficiently. The IT Help Desk is located directly across from the Human Resources Department. For computer assistance, contact the or call 225.216.8448.
How do I find my LOLA username?
Click the "Don’t know my Username" option located in the “Help” section on the LOLA
login page and enter your email address and your date of birth to find your username.
How do I create or change my LOLA password?
Click the “Don’t know Password" option, located in the “Help” section on the LOLA
login page. Enter your email address and date of birth, and a code will be emailed
to you. Enter the code, select okay. Select change password. Enter your new password
twice. Please be certain to read the password requirements carefully.
Why am I not receiving email notifications from my instructors?
In Canvas, go to "Settings", then "Notifications", then set the frequency options
for notifications, for each item. We recommend "ASAP."
Make sure that you have added a valid email address to your Profile in Canvas. A valid email address is your BRCC Student Email address; however, you are allowed to add your personal email address.
Note: Although you are allowed to add other email addresses to your Canvas profile, your instructor is only responsible for replying back to your BRCC email address.
What is my email username?
Your username should be:
What is my email password?
Your default password should be:
Welcome2brcc (We recommend that you change this password to your LOLA password)
If I am Faculty or Staff, how do i check my spam email?
Office 365 email has filters in place to protect users from spam and malicious email
like phishing scams. Click here to see more information on how to review spam emails.
Open Computer Labs
Louisiana Building 128B
Magnolia Library
Governors 129
Frazier Campus 124
Automotive Training Center
BRCC Connect
How do I register for BRCC Connect (RAVE), the text and email alert system for the
Go to BRCC's homepage at Select "BRCC Connect." From the links located
at the bottom of the homepage. Your username is your BRCC student email address. Click
forgot password to reset your password to your LOLA password. If this is your first
time logging in to BRCC Connect, you will need to update your profile.
BRCC Mobile App
How do I sign in to the BRCC Mobile App
The Baton Rouge Community College App brings campus to your fingertips and enables you to connect with the BRCC community. In order to sign in to the BRCC Mobile App, you must be a registered student. Your LOLA username and password credentials will allow you to communicate socially with other students and keep up with current events. Visit the Google Play Store (Android Users), or Apple Store (iPhone users) to download our app.
Microsoft Office
I am a student. How do download Microsoft Office?
Click here to download Microsoft Office.