List of Catalogs
CATC 2013-2014 Academic Year |
CATC 2012-2013 Academic Year |
CATC 2006-2007 Academic Year |
CATC 2003-2004 Academic Year |
CATC 2002-2003 Academic Year |
Catalog Disclaimer: The Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) Catalog is an official document of the College. The catalog guides students through their time of study at BRCC by providing them with critical information on the College’s academic programs and their requirements, the services and programs BRCC offers to students and the community, the College’s regulations and policies, and its operational procedures. Students are responsible for knowing the regulations, policies, academic program, and graduation requirements cited in the catalog, and are required to adhere to them unless differing policies have been s4et by the LCTCS Board of Supervisors.
This catalog is not intended to be a complete statement of all procedures, policies, rules, and regulations. The College reserves the right to change, without notice, any academic or other requirements, course offerings, content, programs, procedures, rules, regulations, or fees as needed.
The provisions of the catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the college; however, students are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of their admission to the college. Updated information and formal changes to the catalog will be posted in the online catalog addendum. A paper copy of BRCC can be found in the BRCC Magnolia Library.
The college reserves the option to amend, modify or revise any provision of this catalog for the following reasons, including but not limited to:
- A lack of funds to operate a program or course;
- Unavailability of instructors;
- A change in administrative or Board of Supervisor’s or Board of Regents policy; or
- A change in the laws, rules or regulations of the state of Louisiana that govern the operation of community and technical colleges.
The most recently published BRCC catalog is the governing version.
The catalog in effect when a student declares his or her major is considered to be that student’s catalog of entry. This catalog is used to determine program requirements. The catalog of entry remains in effect for a student unless he or she is out of school for a full semester or longer.
Students may officially declare a subsequent catalog as their catalog of entry. A student who wishes to exercise this option must officially change his or her designated catalog of entry through the Office of Enrollment Services.
Students may transfer from one program major to another at any time. The requirements for a new major/program of study are found in the governing catalog at the time the major/program of student is declared.