Academic Concerns
If you are having an issue in one of your classes, it is important that you first try to work it out with your instructor. If you cannot resolve it with the instructor, contacting the department chair is the next step. Here is the 2024-2025 department chair roster.
Non-academic Complaints/Concerns
If you are having an issue with an administrative office at BRCC, it is important that you first try to resolve it with that office. If you cannot resolve the issue, visit BRCC Cares. You can also use these forms if you have personal or medical concerns that are impacting your ability to be successful at BRCC and you need assistance navigating your options. Please give as much detail as possible so that we can appropriately address your concern.
Formal Student Grievances
If you believe a policy has been violated by a BRCC office, faculty member, or staff member and you could not resolve the matter informally, you may file a formal student grievance.
Student Care Referrals
There are times when you or another student are having personal concerns that are impacting their success or the success of the community. We encourage any person who is concerned about another student or themselves to complete a referral form with as much detail as possible. Describe what behavior, statements, observations, etc., have prompted you to make this referral and when applicable, please provide specific examples.
Student Conduct Referrals
To report potential violations of the Student Code of Conduct, please utilize this form to provide detailed information regarding the incident.
Student Appeals
Are you a student wanting to file a grievance on a grade you received? Are you wanting to appeal a conduct-related decision? Click the links below to learn more about BRCC's policies and regulations regarding appeals.